The Summer Starts Now…

So last Friday, my kids had their first day of summer vacation!  Now the fun begins with all three of them home and looking to me for entertainment.  Luckily, I only had them for the one day before Saturday when my wife was available to help me keep them busy. 

One thing that I’ve learned since starting to look after them is that consistency and routine will be my best friends.  They thrive on knowing what is happening next and once I was able to get that pattern figured out, when it was just my youngest all day and my son for half days, things went much smoother.  Now that all three are home all day the routine becomes all that much more important.  I’m hoping to be a bit of a teacher for my son too since he’s having a bit of trouble with the alphabet.  I’d like to teach him a bit so that he at least knows his ABCs and can count to 20.

It’s funny how his older sister had a bit of trouble with the alphabet around the ‘LMNOP’ section and how Eli is also struggling there too.  I guess that particular section is a bit of a tongue twister for both of them; I look forward to seeing how their younger sister handles it when she’s a bit older.
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On another topic, with the economy being what it is and since I’ve been doing a little work in my stock portfolio, I’ve been thinking about how I’ve evolved as an investor and how the old saying about having money to make money is so true.  I think that’s the topic of my next post….just need to let it stew a bit while I try to get my daughter down for a nap and help my son with ‘LMNOP’!!
