What price for a healthier lawn?

My wife and I are on the same page when it comes to the environment that our children grow up in.  That means that we haven’t used herbicides or fertilizer on our lawn in years.

It’s a lot of work to have a “natural” lawn.  I haven’t used an herbicide on the lawn in years and that means a lot of back-breaking effort to manually pick weeds from the lawn whenever I get the chance.  I remember as a child I used to like to blow the seeds off the dandelion’s when they went to seed and now I find myself having to hold my tongue when my kids do the same because I know that in a few weeks all those seeds are going to be sprouting up somewhere in my backyard!

I try to use natural fertilizers when I do fertilize the lawn but it seems funny to be spreading dried ground up seaweed onto the lawn and if you close your eyes and take a good sniff you’d think you’re down by the seashore.  The lawn seems to be getting thinner and thinner every year despite my seaweed efforts and I’m thinking about biting the bullet and buying a bag of that turf building fertilizer just to see if I can get it back to a nice lush green lawn.  I’m not sure right now if it’s the natural fertilizer or my lackadaisical approach to watering that is making the lawn so sparse.  Probably a combination of both!
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Anyway, if I get a bag of the fertilizer I’ll certainly document the results!
