I’ve been searching for an mp3 of a song from 1982 that was included on the Q107 Homegrown Album Volume 4. The song is called “Level Crossing” and the name of the band that played it, and won the contest for Volume 4 by the way, is Oliver Heavyside. Those guys went on to release several albums under the name “The Partland Brothers”. You may remember them for the song “Soul City”.
I have the vinyl of the Q107 Homegrown Volume 4 but no way to digitize the song into an mp3. I suppose I could record it to tape but what’s the point since my car doesn’t have a tape deck!
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Did you find a solution to this problem? A bit of googling led me to this: http://www.acoustica.com/spinitagain. I found it via a review at pcnet-online.com. Apparently, there is a free trial period, so if your have a turntable and an audio input on your sound card, all you need is a basic rca to stereo miniplug adaptor to make it work. The review at pcnet was very positive. I’m not in any way connected to this product, but I do have an ulterior motive. I, too have been looking for a copy of this song for years, and been unable to find one. I figured if I could point you in the right direction, you might be able to hit me up with a copy…
Let me know. I’ll check back here.
Now there is something that’s useful!…..I’ll give it a try and let you know what happens….
FYI, a Facebook friend post a couple of videos to former Homegrown winners’ songs, including Soul City, which made me think of Level Crossing again. I Googled it, and found this entry.