The New Home Office

Okay, so, our home office has been redone.  The tipping point came when we realized that we basically had a path from the door to the desk and that was the only part of the floor that was visible.  It was impossible to work in a mess like that so I spent a couple of weeks clearing everything out so that we could patch the walls, rip out the carpet, repaint the walls, install hardwood, and then begin to move things back in.

We’ve been careful about what goes back into the office and the things that were in there have been reorganized.  Business cards were everywhere, pads of paper and envelopes existed in different piles in all four corners, and I found enough pens and pencils to last a lifetime!

Now that the place is cleaned up, we’ve been trying to figure out how to put everything away without putting the chaos back also.  In many cases that has resulted in different piles for different rooms.  Kids books and toys to the playroom, books upstairs to the bookcase, tools (?!) back down to the workroom in the basement, CDs and movies to the Entertainment centre, etc. etc.  Difficult to imagine how all that stuff seems to have migrated from its rightful place into the office.  Putting everything back where it belongs, though, has made the office much neater and more pleasant to work in. 

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Hopefully they’ll be done in the next week so I can let them sit for a few days, review and edit them one last time, and then submit in time for the end of the course.  That’s it for now.  My youngest just came to sit on my lap and I “scents” that I need to change a diaper…..
